21 Day Journey Walking with God Down The Narrow Road

Day 17

I desire to walk in my complete purpose doing what God calls me to do without delay.
I knew that to be the whole, complete woman God calls ne to be it would mean me giving myself over to Him so that He can transform and mold me into the person I have been created to be

I never fully understood what walking the spiritual path with God truly meant as far as seeking Him on every level was concerned but today I get that in order for Him to bring to fruition the work He began in me, I must give Him full access. One thing I know with certainty is that I could not keep doing the same things repeatedly and expecting different results

You see I had to come to terms with the concept that said I must whole heartedly seek the Kingdom of God and all it’s righteousness, and take care of the Kingdom business, in turn God will take care of me. None of that added up to me then but the more I seek and draw closer the more I see that daily I must be intentional about this walk

Do I want to live a full life? I most certainly do
Do I want to be finally blessed beyond measure? Yes definitely
Do I desire to help those in need? Yes without question
Here I am learning and growing even more

In conclusion the order is set

I am Ineke Murray and I walk with God