21 Day Journey Walking with God Down The Narrow Road


If we draw close to God does He really draw close to us, does He really help us chart the course that leads to a better life in Him? Searching the scriptures you will find the words you need to press, to push, to keep moving, but what you don’t see is that while scripture exists as guides there are things we must do on our own too in order to build a solid relationship with God.

Side Bar: it’s only with consistency, persistence, determination and passion that you will even be able to get past the first phase of testing and trial on the road to redemption.

I have decided to walk that narrow dirt road to speak fully expecting that my shoes will get scoffed up, I will get parched, dust will get all over me but also knowing that shade will also be provided in the form of a tree whose branches exist solely as a reminder that while this part of the road is not paved I don’t walk it alone.

My prayer is that as I take this 21 day trod you will journey with me through my words learning too that your own journey is possible and quite doable, so here we are and off we go.

I am Ineke Murray and, yes I walk with God