Day 14
When I start my day with God my Heavenly Father it absolutely goes different for me
When I am more focused on His directives over my own it takes the guess work out of everything as I am more poised to do it His way than I am to do it my way
It has not always been easy truth be told but as time progresses I have gotten better at saying Lord what would You have me do today, have Your way
You see I have done it my way for so long that it takes some intentionality to do it now without feeling burdened, burdened what a word to use but yes that’s how it used to feel to remember the simple things I should do when journeying with God
Today I can say boldly and confidently that though I don’t have it all together, I have absolutely come a long way and because of this narrow road commitment I am able to see why these things that I never took seriously are important now
This morning therefore I ask with eager anticipation Lord what would You have me do? Have Your way in my life in my day and as I wait for directives I smile because I see the growth.
I feel the difference and being In Him admittedly looks better on me
I am Ineke Murray and yes I walk with God