New Year

At the beginning of every New Year people with hopeful hearts comes up with slogans like new year, new goals, new me and then as time progresses they settle right back into being content with their old traditions and way of living

The key to truly starting the year off a different way starts with having a different mindset and making priority that which is truly important, it is only then that change will not only take place but remain in tact

I have come to understand this concept and also realize that like with everything else in this life consistency is the key

In essence if we truly want to experience different outcomes we must get to a place where prioritizing how we see and what we see are essentials for us to see setbacks, disappointments, victories as lessons and opportunities for growth, development and stretching

We were never promised a life of no aches, no pain or no discomfort but through all these we are taught vital and precious lessons of how to accept and deal with each situation when they come even that which we have bottled up within us; and if we truly desire good results then yes we must make changing how we see and how we think a priority

If we want peace in the midst of our storm it starts within us

If we want to be content in whatever state we are in, it starts within us

If we want joy amidst the turmoil, it starts within us

How we react to all these things is an internal job which requires and expects us to actively show up and participate at all times

So for this new year 2022 how about we consciously choosing to take an active role in changing how we think, and how we act and see how different things will be

I am Peace Reigns and I approve this message

It's Ok

November 30, 2021

Good Morning Conquerors

January 18, 2022