Appreciate what you have now

Good Morning Blessed Ones

Take some time today to look away from your phone 📱 so that you can fully see and appreciate the wonders around you

When God created the world He spoke it all into existence and called it all good so how about you take some time to truly see the goodness in what God has created especially with you in mind

I know that may not be easy especially when our minds are always racing and in constant thought and it is for this reason we have to take the time to pause, to reset, to settle more into making that time important

I believe when we do this it creates an appreciation of the blessings and it also forces us to see the good more than that which is less than favorable

So again I implore you to put your phone down for a bit, be open to seeing creation’s wonders, be open to being appreciative, and be open to simply basking in the wonder of it all

Won’t you try it…….

Peace Reigns


February 7, 2022

Empty Your Mind

March 1, 2022