
May the newness of the day fill every room in your home and heart and may you welcome it with the thought that you have another opportunity to share a smile, share a hug, share a moment with the ones who matter most.

And while you’re at it may you never forget that even in the dark, light shines through and that is more than enough for you to be thankful.

We often take for granted the fact that being here is another opportunity for us to do something else, for us to make a difference in some way, for us to spend more time with our loved ones. Once you and I begin to see the blessing as such it then gets easier to welcome and appreciate all that is.

Today how about you and I make the day a memorable one by doing some things differently regardless of how we may feel, after all we have been given this one life and it’s about time we started living it the right way, would you agree?

I am Peace Reigns and I approve this message


Dear Friends

October 6, 2021


October 19, 2021