While in the wilderness things don’t normally feel good and as we go through parched lands, the feeling of hunger, desiring shade and water to make us feel refreshed
While in the wilderness we feel like letting go and giving up simply because the intensity of the situation seemingly robs us of all our energy and strength
While in the wilderness the will to talk with God at times is non existent because talking seem to literally take your breath away
But in the wilderness this is where God meets you and I with His outstretched arms as He tells you and I to trust Him even with dust on our face and in our eyes
In the wilderness God reminds you and I that we are a big deal and He believes in us and our ability to keep moving
In the wilderness as He begins to provide a little shade, as we begin to see ourselves getting to better grounds we will see that no matter where we walk and no matter what we go through God is indeed with us
In the wilderness we get to see how strong we are, how capable we are, how ready we are and how in the wilderness we got to see just how loved we are by a God Who calls us good
Keep walking through your wilderness moment holding on ever so tighter than to your faith in God and seeing the other side of it