The Earth is The Lord’s
The Earth and all it’s inhabitants are the Lord’s: the animals, birds, fish and micro cultures too.
The Heavens is the Lord’s,
we are the Lord’s and there is absolutely nothing humanity can do to change that fact
God took His time all those years ago to create all this and transformed what literally was nothing into the formation of something then He created us and placed us in a place known to us as Eden
Even back then God desired and established fellowship with us which is why He instilled free will. We were free to choose based on the information we had and though the choice chosen then was not a good one God loved us just the same
What am I saying? Choosing God really shouldn’t even be a thought, it should come naturally because of how He is and Who He is, yet we disappoint Him and fall short on a daily basis
And yet He still loves us and forgives us without question. What an awesome God and Father, what a magnificent friend.
God continues to be available to us, He continues to open Himself up, He continues to be as He promised, it’s time now that we do the same
The Earth is the Lord’s
Well said; there is absolutely no “choice” in the matter since we are already the Lord’s. It only leaves for us to embrace who we are by design.
We belong to an awesome God who loves us unconditionally.