Letter To My Son

As you go through this life, submersed in the ebbs and flow of it all it is my prayer that you will always believe in who you are and your ability to be and do great things while also learning how to greet the yes’s and navigate the no’s

Always remember your worth and the fact that when God created you, He did so with great plans in mind that you can’t even fathom right now because yes, His blueprint looks so much better than the one you have in your head

Understand too that things won’t always go the way you want them to but once you Incorporate Him into the mix it flows better while also giving you peace in the midst

You are wonderful, you are special, you are a gift and as I give God thanks for you, I want you to also give Thanks that despite yourself He( God) still walks with you seeing you through

I am proud of all you have done thus far and know there is more to do but as you journey do so with and in humility, with poise and grace believing God all the way

You will do great things, you will open many doors as long as you trust, obey and believe

So, keep pressing, keep pushing, keep doing, keep moving…. your best is coming

I love you always and forever


In His Sight

April 27, 2021

For Our Princess

April 30, 2021