Believe God

If God said it, believe Him because it will all come to pass when you open yourself up to receiving what He has for you

Truth be told when God formed each of us in our mother’s womb He already knew what He wanted for us to be, He already had His plans in place, He already set things in motion and despite the circumstances in which we were born He called us His while fitting us into the vessel to come forth in and birthed from

Have you ever wondered or even asked why God created you, why you’re still here on this Earth? I know I have asked that question a lot and then God begins to show me and can I tell you that when it all began to unfold I was not ready for what the story would look like. I was not ready to see or even hear what role I am to play but I got to a place where trusting Him fully had to come front and center

Trusting God without delay is not easy especially when you feel as if He has interrupted the flow of what you deemed to be your oh so wonderful life, but when God says that’s not it and begins to do things to show that to be the case then admittedly yes must submit

Saying yes though doesn’t mean smooth sailing and easy driving, of course not. Instead what it means is that while going through, while being tossed by the winds we must trust Him that it’s not to hurt or harm but to heal, mend and remold us

So if you find yourself out in the sea with the storm raging hold firm to the fact that your anchor your faith holds and Christ yes Christ is in the boat with us, and that is more than enough 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

See the GOOD

April 12, 2021

Everyday Isn't Easy

April 21, 2021