Change Ahead
There’s a change on the inside yearning to come forth, a change that will cause some things to begin shifting in your life. The thing about change though is that not many people want to deal with it especially when it is of a spiritual nature
This is why it will take God’s influence and only His, to help us with it.
Left up to us we would pick or choose what to change but if God is trading the old skin for new and our desire is to be a reflection of Him then we must allow Him to do it all no matter how difficult it is
Truth be told our environments and all those closest to us are watching
Those closest to us are taking notes and though they may not say anything they will use our actions to determine if we truly are walking the talk and it makes no sense really to show the world God in us when around our loved ones they see another side
So yes, change takes place from the inside, it comes with uprooting, it comes with deep cleaning, it comes with surrendering, so if one is not ready for all that purging it makes no sense to start because in the midst of it you will be so conflicted and want to return to what is your comfort, what you feel is your safe haven
With change comes no more lying, no more pretense, no more ego, no more living to be seen and applauded by others, with change comes the apologizing, the repenting and don’t be surprised when God tells you to ask someone you have hurt or wronged for forgiveness, don’t be surprised when He tells you that you must accept roles you have played that caused heartache, don’t be surprised if he tells you to speak truth because all that comes with living and walking in the spirit of truth
Change, yes real change comes with facing truth, comes with facing the mirror with all its watermarks, it comes with admitting where you are weak and yes it comes with admitting that you need help on every level in order to navigate the new that will come with your surrender
Let the change begin