Have you ever been at a place in your life where you find that you are standing at a crossroad and you question the direction you should go, whether to the left or the right?
I think we all have experienced that and we all have made decisions that either helped us or hindered us
Here is something I have learned about crossroads, decisions, and detours: they can all lead to something beautiful if God is allowed into the mix. Allow me to explain, you see God has left us stories in the Bible that are blueprints for how we should live, how we should go about and what we are to do.
We are to use these blueprints as our guides for our lives which ultimately leads us to seeking God so He can help with our decision making and it’s process
I know we all feel like we are adults and we don’t need to be told what to do but the truth is we still need to be led especially when we are called by a Great God to do a great work
I was asked a question recently by a woman who walks with God after explaining that I was not feeling well. She asked me if I asked the Lord why I was experiencing the pain?
I was honest with my answer, no I did not. I simply prayed and when relief did not come I just figured it was God’s will for me to still go through.
What she explained to me was that even in that moment I should have gone to God and asked even if the answer didn’t come right away. Stay in the word and remind Him of the promises He has made, she said
I took this reminder as God Himself directing me right then and there on what I should do and yes I began seeking Him
I say all that to say this, we were not placed here to go this journey alone. God has made Himself available and approachable, it is therefore up to us to finally start seeking Him so He can begin sharing even the little details with us
We really should not close Him out not just because He cares but because He knows it all.
So how about we begin to share all our littles with Him
Great read
You see God is interested in every area of our lives
We just continue to seek Him in all things.
Yes He is and I am recognizing that more and more