
Have you ever had a meeting or appointment  scheduled and for whatever reason the times gets pushed back to later?

I’m sure we all have had that type of experience at some point in our lives. Some people get annoyed, angry and down right frustrated at the fact that they are being inconvenienced

What if I were to tell you though that delay at times is for your good? How? You ask, well think about it like this, what if the appointment you had was with someone you would have had difficulty with and the delay was making room for someone else who would be better suited to help you?

Never thought about it like that right,

Well that’s how our attention is gotten at times when there is delay. It also teaches us how to be patient in the pause and wait moment

While being on time is great, being delayed could also be saving you from something that could otherwise cause harm to you

So when you find yourself with a delayed flight or an appointment that is pushed back or a meeting that has started late allow your first thought to not be to act from a place of anger instead step back a moment, evaluate the situation and see what lesson you can learn from what has taken place

My tidbit of advice for you today


God's Love

December 23, 2020


December 31, 2020