God’s Love

By: Shamelia Simpson-McKenzie

It felt as if the wide jaws of my soul opened up and devoured the words I heard: The Search for Significance.  These were the words emanating from the microphone as the notices for the week were being announced in church one Sunday morning in August 2005. It seemed that I had struck gold; there would be a Book Reading Session beginning on Wednesday of the coming week: the title of the Book: The Search for Significance by Robert McGee.

This must have been the answer to my prayer, or so I thought. At this time I was yearning to know whether or not my existence was significant. During that same time, Rick Warren had written the book: What on Earth Am I Here For? I had been curious and wanted answers…badly!!! I has started reading the book, but the content seemed a bit out of my league. I knew I wanted more, but what exactly was it?

I committed to go to the Book Study, and go I did. I remember it like it was yesterday. This is how it went; the session started off with the participants sharing how we felt about ourselves as it concerns our self-concept; the responses were quite interesting. I was amazed by the number of persons who seemed to have the same questions and concerns I did about who they were created to be.

So the session is in full swing, and we are discussing Chapter 1: The Light Comes On. Suddenly, I had a burning question and I had to ask, so I raised my hand: this was it: Does God Love Each of Us Differently? The answer came from the Pastor who was leading the session; he answered me: No Shamelia, God loves all of us the same. At that moment; in my mind, this chapter I would rename: The Light Went Out.

You see, I was on a roll; I had finally made up my mind to walk the path of faith, and was ready to love God with my whole heart. With that answer I now felt that it didn’t matter how much I loved God, He would love me the same as even those who didn’t love Him back. What’s the use?

But, the Pastor did not leave it there; he explained: “God shows favour to those who are obedient”. These words gave me hope and made some sense. I thought of a parent who had more than one child; wouldn’t the child who did the right things experience favour because his or her behavior was pleasing. I finally got it.

I felt free to pursue my passion to live wholly and solely for God because I understood that while His love for every person is unconditional and equal; He stores up favour for those who trust Him and obey His word. I secretly prayed: Lord please help me to be obedient to you.

This prayer led to me discovering another book: The Blessings of Obedience by Andrew Murray. This time I struck diamond!! This was the icing on the cake; this was the next piece of the puzzle; I felt like I finally got this God thing,

This was what I understood:

  • All humans are created in the image of God and He love us all the same
  • God loves us all so much that even after Adam’s sin, He made another way to bring us back to Him, through Jesus Christ.
  • Those who receive Jesus as Saviour and live as an example demonstrates that they accept God’s love.
  • By living in faith and obedience, God bestows His favour by fulfilling all the promises He makes (Deuteronomy 28).
  • Every person has equal opportunity to experience God’s favour if we have faith and obey.

My personal quest was to be obedient to God; I asked Him to help me; through His Holy Spirit I have had aid to do as He requires, though sometimes it seemed hard. But, for the love of God I continue to persevere; and in His great love He continually enables me by His Spirit.

I learned that obeying God opens the way to intimacy with Him. In seeking for direction and instruction to pursue His will, every moment becomes an opportunity to record an unfolding story; one that reads like Abraham’s journey of faith. Every person will have their own story as God leads each of us in the way of purpose and that’s different for each of us.

Surely, I have had my own Abrahamic experiences; in being obedient to God’s leading I have experience His favour and had many prayers answered as a result. One thing I know for sure is that the God of the Bible is real, and He is active even in our world today. I learned that when I seek Him with all my heart I will find Him.

In as much as God has revealed Himself to me, I cherish the opportunity and privilege to interface with such an awesome being and I strive to preserve the relationship by being continually attentive to the bond we share. Now don’t get me wrong; this is not about being perfect; it’s simply about learning to love God perfectly, with a whole heart.

The love God extends is one that teaches and corrects; so even when I do wrong I am chastened, but not despised. I find that there is no greater love than that. It is for this reason that I am confident in the unchanging love of God and endeavor to never let go off His hand because His love for me and I know for you too will never, ever fail. Indeed, this is love!!


December 23, 2020 at 3:32 pm

WOW!! This was powerful!! Thank you for sharing this, God dies love us the same but our relationship with him is personal and based on our faithfulness, God bless you.

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December 22, 2020


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