Surround Yourself

Have you ever had one of those heart wrenching, mind shifting, and reality checking kind of conversations that forces you to stop in your tracks and pay attention?

A conversation where you know everything being said to you is truth but somehow hearing it verbalized is what you needed in order to move towards making certain decisions that you had been toying with making for a while now?

That kind of conversation that makes you love the person speaking to you even more because they aren’t afraid to call you out on your BS?

Well, I had one of those recently with a sister friend who was definitely not afraid to speak truth lovingly in my direction. Admittedly what she had to say was exactly what I needed to hear in order to make some decisions I had been hesitant to make

You see as the Encourager you are always expected to have all the answers and God forbid you ever needing someone else to build you up, but the truth is, Encouragers need to be lifted up too, we also need to be reminded not by our own words but the words of others at times what needs to happen in our own lives

Today as I sit and reflect on my conversation I smile because it’s amazing sometimes just how simple a solution to a problem can be when you step outside of it and begin to evaluate and then make moves. Change wont every occur if we are too afraid to make them, change won’t ever come if you always put the needs and happiness of others ahead of yours, change won’t ever come if you never say stop so you can process and proceed and change certainly will never come if you continuously forget who you are and the role you are called to play

My advice therefore would be this, get you some people in your circle who definitely aren’t afraid to call you out, people who love you enough to tell you truth while still lifting you up, people who will always remind you of who you are especially when it seems like you have forgotten

Shout out to My Sister Friend, she knows who she is for always being TRUTH, Love You Girl

Good Tidings

December 14, 2020

God's Love

December 23, 2020