Good Tidings

Come let us enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise for no other reason than the fact that He our Heavenly Father deserves it

 So often when we are soiled we feel we are not worthy enough to even rejoice the right way, what we don’t realize is that in those moments we are called even more to thank Him for overlooking our flaws,

  in that moment He whispers lovingly into our spirits, telling us to come so that He can help purify us.

This is what He does, not once, not twice but many times over when we humbly say sorry.

This is what unconditional love looks and feels like. Do we deserve it? No, but He says we are worth it.

May today be one filled with good tidings of comfort and joy


December 9, 2020

Surround Yourself

December 22, 2020