
As 2020 moves to a close, many may say it has been a terrible year! A year of death, devastation, upheavals and uncertainties. A year when it appeared as if the environment was fighting back and, when, if anything could go wrong, it did. And so, with a year like that, who wouldn’t want to see the back of it, right?

But, if we step out of that gloom and depression and really assess everything, we will realize that 2020 has also been a year of stretching, moving beyond the norm, digging deep to find that inner strength, releasing that creativity, taking that bold step we’d meant to all those years ago and busting out of that box that we had blamed life for locking us into and throwing away the key.

It has been a year of renewal and thanksgiving and for appreciating our blessings, what we have and what really matters – life, our families, friends, the breath, air, laughter, forgiveness and living in the moment. It is a time for LOVE to take center stage – to be the star it was intended to be, because sharing, releasing grudges, giving of ourselves and being our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers is the true meaning of humanity. And so as we pause to take stock of the turbulence in the months past, let us also be mindful that no matter how the storms rage, this too shall pass and we can learn to surf the waves.

Therefore, let us lift up and celebrate those who are near and dear to us and spread the joy of being present to those near and far. As for me, I choose to celebrate the opportunity to share with you all  and to be in your space right now. I celebrate my mom who reached a significant milestone of 90 years and yet remains healthy, strong and as spritely as a 60-year old. I celebrate my aunt and uncle who are both fit as fiddles at 87 and 89 years old, respectively. I celebrate my love-mate, my soul-mate, my friend, my life partner Ced who has been on the journey with me from day one. I celebrate my children Ineke, Naifa and Seboukweh who are all on the ‘front line’ in one way or another fulfilling their purpose, serving others and making a difference. I love them very much and am so proud of them. I celebrate Nevaeh and CJ – my grand-children – who are a constant source of joy, laughter and countless aha moments. And finally, I embrace and celebrate the now and appreciate it in all its fullness!! 2021 is fast approaching and so I encourage you to release the negatives that flowed from the hurts, disappointments and uncertainties that have been part of your 2020 journey. Mourn those you lost, but also cherish the beautiful memories of the time shared with them; love and appreciate those who remain with you and celebrate the opportunity of having them in your life; take the lessons from the challenges you experienced and be thankful for the accomplishments you have had along the way. Remember, the tapestry of life is filled with many twists and turns, ups and downs but the picture that will emerge is what you choose to see. So stop for a while – breatheeeee – and then embrace all the possibilities that tomorrow brings and go forth in faith!

Written by: Sheena L. Murray December 2020

These Times

December 7, 2020

Good Tidings

December 14, 2020