These Times

Here’s the thing, the days of playing around are long gone,

This time calls for us to be fearless and faithful

It calls for us to step out from the shadows,

it calls for us to understand our role so that we can become the part

It calls for us to rise from the ashes while spreading our wings

It calls for us to live a life where God is included in every aspect

It calls for us to be set apart so that we can hear His instructions,

It calls for us to pray for discernment while seeking direction

 It calls for us to not only talk the talk but also walk the walk,

 It calls for us to recommit and be committed daily to the call of the kingdom

These times calls for us to know who we are and whose we are undoubtedly

I am Peace Reigns


December 7, 2020 at 11:47 pm

Know, Understand, Apply and Practice God’s Word morning, noon and night. 💕 Yes cuzzi

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December 4, 2020


December 9, 2020