
When I sit back and think about 2020, boy it has certainly been a ride, a rather interesting one too where, if one was not mentally strong you would probably have fallen apart.

A test of strength, faith, resilience and commitment has definitely been needed to continue through and though the year is almost at a close, I must say that I have also learned many lessons that I will take with me into the coming year. Admittedly, I must tell you that during this time I have also learned how to kill fear by stepping outside my comfort zone to launch my Business and write Devotionals, some things I probably would not have done had things been “normal”.

I have gotten closer to the ones who mean the most to me and have also learned how to let go of what and who no longer serves me. Gratitude has also been major for me as those in my family have all been healthy both here and abroad and for that God must get His shout out because He has kept us! Yes, I want this virus to go away, but I dare not ask for things to be “normal” again for in the so called normal of old, life was taken for granted, people were taken for granted and, well, I preferred to live life from the sidelines. Today, all that has been pushed aside and I now live in the moment, appreciating it all and giving my full 100 percent in all that I partake of. So 2020 for me has been a year of growth, maturity, stretching and multiple streams and for that I must say…..

Gratitude is a must!!!!!

Be Filled

December 2, 2020

These Times

December 7, 2020