Road To Success

The process it takes to get to that success level is not an easy one.

Allow me to explain. Have you ever paid attention when construction is taking place in an area especially on the roadway? It slows traffic down gravely, people get impatient because it seems like it’s just taking too long to come together. All the chaos happens and then finally one day the construction ends making way for newer, smoother road.

Success can be seen a little like this in the sense that when you are working at it, it gets rough, it looks ugly, there are potholes, bumps and bruises.

You get discouraged because it just seems like things are taking too long because well, we live in a microwave kind of society where we want things to be instant, unfortunately things don’t usually happen like this at all.

I know no one wants to hear this but it’s how things work if success is to be achieved. When roadblocks come it is tantamount that you not run and not get discouraged. I mean it’s quite ok to stop to recalibrate, it’s ok to go back to the drawing board but giving up should never be an option.

Being successful takes commitment, determination, drive and focus so whatever area you are lacking in see how best to work through it and last but not least,

Believe in yourself , Believe in your abilities, Believe that it’s all possible and continue to press

I am Peace Reigns


Sophia R Johnson-McKoy
November 23, 2020 at 1:51 pm

OMG! I can so relate💯 its so true but patience does it no matter what! Its a process to get on the road to success.


November 23, 2020 at 8:19 pm

Great way to look at things! Thanks for sharing.

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November 20, 2020

Being Selfless

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