Take Care

Where is your head space today? Are you feeling overwhelmed, drained, tired, fed up or simply exhausted?

Well my dear we have all been there and felt some of those very emotions but after feeling some of those same emotions I discovered rather quickly that the cure for it all is simply to rest. Rest??? You ask, yes rest, taking time to rest in God, taking time to unplug and unwind and simply leaning more into God and His word which will help to replenish your mind, body and spirit and help you take better care of you .Sounds too easy doesn’t it? Well because it is that simple,  truth be told after you spend time pouring into everyone else, after you give all you have to ensure everyone else is good you must then take the time for you, to get back to a place of balance and the only way that can happen is by simply doing it intentionally. Here’s what you do then to start your self care regimen:

1. Make time to take care of you, your self care could be to catch up on some 📚 reading, writing ✍ or taking a long hot 🛀 bath

2. Make time to 🙏 pray, to seek God on a higher level

3. Say no to anything that does not nourish your spirit

4. Unplug from technology for a bit, this may prove to be a bit of a challenge because we have become such a technological based society but it’s necessary for your well-being

5. Go to the spa and treat yourself to a facial or 💆‍♀️ massage, your body will thank you

6. Exercise helps to keep the blood flowing and you in good spirits, try it, baby steps of course

7. Surround yourself with people and things that will uplift your spirit and not drain you

8. Take time to reflect and declutter your mind, it will make you feel lighter trust me

9. Create a list of things that you enjoy doing and start doing them with purpose

10. And last but not least Rest!!!! As you begin to do this more you will realize how much better you feel and in feeling better you are also able to help others find their balance as well So allow today to be your day for rejuvenating and restoring you

Be Well!!!!!


Raina Mustapher
November 20, 2020 at 1:14 pm

SELAH, well written and timely! #BLESSUP #SPEAKLIFE

Sophia R Johnson-McKoy
November 20, 2020 at 2:53 pm

So true we ALL need time to spend time on ourselves, if its even alone time to think nd listen to God’s voice

Colin Francis
November 20, 2020 at 3:58 pm

Thanks so much for the advice. I often focus on checking to see if everyone is doing well, but very rarely does anyone check to see how I’m doing, and I don’t often take the time to check on myself. I’ll start making sure I spend more time focusing on my own well being. I’ll take your advice and see how it goes.

    November 23, 2020 at 7:48 pm

    I am like that as well always making sure to check in but when it comes to me oh boy always neglecting self but I am learning just how important it is to exhale for me

Melanie Aiken
November 20, 2020 at 11:21 pm

Love these tips very useful and needed these days.

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