
What do we say, what do we do when it seems like there is so much still left to do and not enough time?

Do we stand back and allow life to just pass us by or do we become active participants? Well what we must do is become present and become intentional in all areas of our lives so that living it doesn’t become a spectator sport, What do I mean you ask? Well God blessed us with this life and when He did He had specific purpose and intent in mind.

He placed within us purpose and a certain ability to accomplish every little detail but along the way we lost sight of that and began to live life on our own terms and in our own way and by doing that well life became fleeting Now that you know this fact it’s time to get back to that place and that space where we sit before Him asking, seeking restoration and guidance so that we can once again get back to living life on His terms and blue print. Sure it won’t be easy because we have been doing it our way for so long but necessary it is if we are to fulfil our part for the Kingdom May His will be done on Earth as it is being done in Heaven

I am Peace Reigns

What Drives Him

November 10, 2020

Restore You

November 18, 2020