
Can we talk about energy for a minute and how it can be transferred from one being to another and in that same breath let’s discuss love and how it’s not about a feeling but a spiritual movement that is shared between two spiritual beings. 

You see when love is done the right way it exudes a fragrance and an energy that can be experienced by others external to it’s origin and intended. 

The Intensity and purity of love done right is so strong that when this love is shared the right way it becomes contagious and causes others in its environment to gravitate towards it.

Passionate love in its purest form wraps itself around it’s intended in such a way where their entire being is fixated only on that person who shares their energy and in so doing creates a force that keeps anything from causing discord to touch it. 

Love on its highest and deepest level creates undeniable trust that spans time and space and everything in between. 

Love when lived the right way creates joy, safety, unity, oneness. 

Love when shared with the right one never ends, never dies….. Love envelopes and encompasses two who are willing and committed to being one.

Love in its purest form always win.

To experience a love like this first means loving self like this and in doing this it attracts the right energy in search of the same oneness and when connected it creates colors that can never be duplicated.

Love is


February 17, 2020


March 1, 2020