
There are people who live their entire lives never truly living up to their fullest potential; people who  always play it safe by staying in the boat.

The question is, how far did that boat take them and did they enjoy the ride or did they live in a perpetual cycle of wishes and dreams of how things could be?

If you are one of those people it’s not too late because here you are reading this quote, here you are taking a chance with yourself by even being here and that’s truly a great thing why? Simply because I am here to telling you that it’s definitely not too late for you to step out of your boat so you can experience walking on “water”. 

The water mentioned here has to do with your faith and ability to be so driven that nothing can or will stop you from being your very best self ever. Sounds possible right? That’s because there is nothing that’s too hard for you to do and in these days whatever you don’t know you can always YouTube or Google 

So here I am telling you to take a chance on yourself, believe in yourself, take the first step for yourself in order to not be the person simply watching life go by. Living in regret is easy you can do that with your eyes closed but actually getting up and moving this is where you will have to put in the time and work to get there but you knew that already. Oh yes it can be done and I believe you can do it

I believe in you, I know you have greatness in you, question is…. DO YOU BELIEVE?

I am Peace Reigns 

And this is your dose of eye opening motivation 


Daddy Issues

February 10, 2020


February 27, 2020