Daddy Issues

Ok I must wholeheartedly admit that I am one of those girls who has Daddy Issues

There I said it, now let me explain, my issues did not come from me not having a dad in my life in fact he was very present, sometimes maybe too present (lol)

There were moments in my life where at every turn and through some of the hardest situations whether I turned to the left or to the right he was right there. From taking me to school, to making sure I was safe, to making sure breakfast was ready every morning: yes my dad is the kind of dad who made sure his home is covered. He was and still is the man who believes in the concept of doing for others and helping wherever you can which is why I am the way I am today about people and always offering a helping hand 

My dad is also the first man to ever love me completely and growing up he made sure to show us how a man is supposed to treat a woman  by how he treated my mom then and still the way he still treats her. 

It has often been said that good men  no longer exist but if I am being honest I cannot be a part of that train because there are good men out there. Well, my dad is still alive and kicking and I also have been blessed with one of my own who proves to me daily that yes good and great men are still rocking it in our time

Back to my daddy issues segment ( lol). When I was younger I never understood why daddy was the way he was, as much as he was kind,  caring and protective he was also the one who disciplined and had rules that I felt were simply too ridiculous. If you are from the Caribbean the term “go pick up a book” should be very familiar because that was our parents’ favorite line everytime we wanted to go outside and play. I have to admit there were many occasions I still went outside to play with my friends and sneaked in before my dad would realize I was gone (or did he?)

Anyway my dad taught me the concept of hard work,  patience ( still working on that one), commitment, devotion,  dedication and yes I was spoiled even though back then it didn’t seem that way. With all he provided, with all he did, with all he taught not just us his children but also his grandchildren and everybody else’s children I tucked away all the lessons in my heart and head

I prayed without even realizing I did that God would Bless me with someone who had similar traits, someone who would never compromise us, who would love me beyond the surface as God says and though it took me going through a few who were the complete opposite of that ( that’s another blog by itself, hmmm smiling) I still found my way to The One. The One who has taught and continues to teach me that God made more than just one good one

My daddy issues led me to him and I am thankful for that because in this life where there is just so much going on  it’s actually a great thing knowing that I still don’t have to take this journey alone

Shout out to the man who definitely raised me and to the one who still loves me beyond the surface


Renae Thomas-James
February 12, 2020 at 1:00 am

Love your transparency, honesty and insight 👌🏿👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

February 12, 2020 at 3:51 am

Great read…having an example and role model makes all the difference!

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February 5, 2020


February 17, 2020