
Have you been feeling like your life is being transitioned from one state to another?

Well if you are like me then you would be feeling a nudging in your spirit that says movement is necessary for this next phase of your life.

Here’s the thing, we know that change oftentimes doesn’t feel good especially if we have to walk away from things and people we have grown accustomed to having in our corner. 

Holding on to things gives us a sense of control in a world where it seems as if everything around us is spiraling out of control. We tend to hold on to these things because they make us comfortable.

When it comes to people, let’s just say I have the hardest time letting go because I am of the mindset that (no man must be left behind). If I win we all win but what the Holy Spirit had to teach me was that there is a blessing attached to releasing because letting go is just that. 

 It may not be as a result of the person being negative, toxic or dark, it may not be a situation of them hurting you either instead it could simply be the end of their journey in your story because well, they have their own story which also does not include me. I must admit that was a hard pill to swallow but the thing about God that you will learn if you have not already is that if He needs you to do something and you refuse to do, He will create situations where you will have no choice but to let go and let Him do what He originally set out to do.

Back to shifting…

So yes God gives us the ability to freely make choices even though we have been placed  here for specific purposes and patiently at times He waits for us to ‘GET IT” while other times He gently nudges us towards making the right choices for Kingdom sake so if you’re like me and you have begun to feel the shift and the nudges it’s time to get in line with prayer so that He can direct you and begin to show you what His perfect will for you is



February 8, 2020 at 5:07 pm

WHAT A MESSAGE & REMINDER!!!! Thank you for cosigning on the small steps of change I’m making in my life for growth, better relationships, outcomes, & future. Believe me I am uncomfortable in the change but have to believe God is directing my path away from some things and people!

February 11, 2020 at 5:01 pm

You’ve put together a very inspirational site.

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The Journey Continues

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