The Journey Continues

So I took a hiatus from writing mainly because I was being pulled in so many directions and one focus led to another and another which eventually left me spiralling as I juggled being a mom, Teacher, Student and all the in betweens

In the midst of trying to settle my thoughts and balance out my life in the new year I got a call from a long time, solid as a rock friend who basically encouraged me to ” snap out of it” in order to get back to my passion.

Like some of you I came up with all the many reasons I could not jump into action right away but then in the midst of my talking it dawned in me that excuses are simply tools used by us to get out of doing some very important things 

Here I am  today back to writing, back to sharing, back to teaching. And I must say it feels good to once again be in the saddle

What I will share with you from my pause is that I learned just how important it is to really live out your passion, to make time for what truly matters even if it means making some people unhappy. You see if you are going to decide to walk in purpose then quite naturally everyone can’t be with you demanding your time and attention

You also must learn the art of scheduling your time because in doing this you will not only be able to do what you need to but also those things that fuel your movements 

To sum it all up I will have to say that I am grateful for those around me who aren’t afraid to jolt me back to reality. It’s refreshing and a blessing to know that when I feel stuck they are there to help me get unstuck

I am Peace Reigns and my journey continues


September 2, 2019


February 5, 2020