Wake Up Call

Wake Up Call

Wake up calls come at the most inconvenient times don’t you think?

They come when you are “busy “living” your life and just literally minding your business.

Let me explain what I mean. All along you have known that there is a calling on your life, all along you know that there is another kind of purpose you are supposed to be living out, not the one you have imagined but instead the one that came along with you as you were birthed through the life Canal, the kind of purpose that makes Heaven smile because finally you are walking in obedience, that kind of Purpose.

So here you are just doing you, just living life in the gray areas and feeling comfortable with it because you are doing just enough for yourself to not feel too guilty about making your own decisions and then “BOOM” there is a pause that forces you to stop and no matter where you try to go, no matter what you try to do you seemingly can’t move. Your wakeup call has arrived in all its splendor and Glory.

You have no choice but to look up now because your Father needs not wants needs your now attention and focus. He needs you to reroute your destination to the one He originally paved out for you, and though you kick and scream and try to bargain guess what? It’s not working anymore simply because the time is now for you to do things the right way.

I know it may seem unfair but truth be told what were you really doing on our own? Were you truly ever happy? Did you truly feel fulfilled? Did you? Did you feel as if your life was filled with endless happiness? Did you? If you’re going to be honest then you would say no because there was always something missing and even though you may not have known what that thing was, that void was certainly there quite frequently which is why you tried to fill it with so many vices that never worked.

So as your life gets interrupted it’s cause for you to think, reflect and get back to your center so that what you are called to do can finally begin

Don't Stop

June 13, 2019


June 23, 2019