Don’t Stop
One of the things about being away from home is that with my personality I get to meet new people, movers, shakers, everyday life changers.
Some of them share my passions while others don’t but I get to commune with them on different levels which tells me that in these moments I must be present and interactive as this is the only way I will be able to truly learn and further grow.
It’s interesting to see how my thoughts and creativity come to life when I’m not distracted by the daily hum drum of life, when maturity and intelligence walk hand in hand with all that is God’s splendour.
Today I danced with what I would call the silently successful giants, women who have made names for themselves without the fanfare and ego, women, some of whom stand on the shoulders of their husbands and others who decided to pave the way alone. Despite the how they have taught me one thing and that is never to stop no matter how challenging the road ahead.
Your situation if nothing can become something with the mindset in place of a winner and most times while others rest and focus on their own dreams you will have to do it alone but the intent should be never to stop.
So though it took me being away to see faith realized in motion it shows me that I am ready to also pave my own way by intentionally focusing on my present dreams and then working on making them come to fruition.
I am also fully aware of the fact that along the way I will lose some people but what i stand to gain screams louder than the loss that will take place.