Fashion Statement
Fendi, Gucci, Prada, Nike!!!! Brands we know and love and even when people can’t afford to they find the money needed in order to purchase them without much complaint. When new Sneakers come out do you realize the lines that’s formed outside the stores whether snow or rain to get them? That’s because our value system is off kilter.
Don’t get me wrong just like anyone else I love nice things and I love to look good but what I have discovered is that once I have grown and matured on certain levels and certain areas spiritually you begin to discover that what was once a focus no longer is because of the pruning process taking place. This understanding comes from tapping into God on a deeper level.
Once you get deeply rooted in Him you begin to make Him your main focus thereby causing you to truly seek first after His Kingdom so the Kingdom will unfold in you.
Truth be told too once you get into that zone you will begin to see that God has His own sense of style and as He adorns you, you become like the Lilies in the Field and the birds of the air dressed in Heavenly splendor in greater ways than you could even imagine. He (God) begins to make changes that you never even thought about to the point where others who see you will see His Glory shining in and through you.
You see God doesn’t want you looking ordinary or living regular because that’s what’s given in the world. He is Greater than this world and as such what He does supersedes all else.
When He blesses you He does it completely.