Godly Goals
Hey you, wanna accomplish some goals?
Well in order for that to take place you must be willing to go through what is called the stripping process.
Surely you didn’t think you could accomplish it all with your same old mindset and attitude did you?
Let me explain what I mean.. when we were first born there were certain attributes that God placed within us and He also made the Bible available for us to read, He also made Himself available so once we plug into Him He would be able to teach us certain things as well. Through time though we got lost in doing our own thing and so the plans and goals we developed along the way got put on hold, why? Because in reality we can’t accomplish them the right way if He ( God) isn’t involved.
God’s plans for us far outweighs the plans we have for ourselves ( Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that His plans for us is for us to be prosperous and in order to get to that place we have to allow Him to do His work perfectly.
I know it seems so much easier to just go ahead of Him and do our own thing but that cannot happen when we choose to live for Him. We must therefore be stripped of our old way of thinking and being so the new wine can be poured into us causing us to be made ready for the predestined goals.
This process won’t be easy and it definitely won’t feel good but it is necessary for after all what the Lord requires is for us to be surrendered so that the work ( His work) can be carried out.
Jah Bless
Peace Reigns