The Skin You’re In
So this weekend a friend of mine (male) said something to me that I’m sure he didn’t think I would use as a teaching tool but I look for lessons in everything no matter how small the details and his words were no different.
What did he say? Well he spoke about the fact that my posterior (butt) was not a big one, my response to him was an indication to me that yes I was completely at peace with not having a posterior that most men seem to have a fascination with.
It also caused me to pause to think about how many women go about changing their bodies because of things that men say from a superficial point of view. How sad yet how real this epidemic is when women have to look a certain way in order to achieve certain responses from the opposite sex.
The good thing about me is that since birth certain principles and guidelines have been instilled within me by a man who made it his duty to teach us how to love ourselves in such a way that no one can tear us down or cause us to think less about ourselves. He ( my father) taught us about self worth and self love and the lesson remains embedded within me still.
I am completely comfortable in the skin I’m in, I’m totally in love with me, I love who I see staring back at me and as as far as altering myself because society had placed a false sense of what beauty is within the minds of men and women alike that would never be me.
This message therefore is for every woman, every girl who has felt inferior or inadequate because of a comment that was made to her whether in jest or for real.
You are beautiful all on your own without alteration but you have to get to that place within you, you have to love you with all your flaws and scars, you have to fall in love repeatedly with you to the point where nothing can shake you
You have to recognize and acknowledge your worth on every level, you have to basically be comfortable with the skin you’re in
Here’s to loving you in great levels
Jah Bless