Keys To Success
Like me you desire to be successful right? What is success though and what will it take to get there?
Success is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Successful is how u feel after you have set and accomplished certain goals, it’s how you feel after teaching or passing certain things down to another and they begin to practice what was taught to them
Success can be achieved, attained and maintained but only when we are in a space mentally to do what is necessary to get there
Here are a few practical keys to success:
Hard work: Hard work can be defined as ‘ a great deal of effort or endurance which is important when there is a desired goal you are attempting to reach. It is taking the time to put in the work, the hard and gritty work that wouldn’t ordinarily do, it’s the waking up early and going to bed late kind of process. ‘Successful people are willing to do what unsuccessful aren’t and this is what separates Winners
Time: Living in a microwave kind of society ‘we’ expect things to happen instantly however life doesn’t work in this way when aiming for success. Putting in the time is saying says we understand the process and are willing to patiently work and fall and rise and fall again until success comes
Commitment: To be committed means you are dedicated and focused on doing the work needed in order to be successful. When you’re committed you don’t allow anything to get in your way as you are dedicated to getting there
Support: No man is an Island and as such we cannot achieve success on our own. We need pushers, guiders, motivators who will tell us in those moments that we can and should never give up
Vision/Plan: ‘It’s a terrible thing to see and have no vision. Can you imagine having sight but that’s all you see? In life we must be able to visualize and see what want our lives to look like and then set the plans in motion to get there. The get the kind of life we desire we must already see it and that vision will drive us to achieving
Passion: Being passionate about what you want out of life is tantamount to the achieving of one’s goals. Without passion guess what? You will not be able to move from point A to point B. Passion is what drives you, inspires you, motivates you and what causes you to step outside the mundane and ordinary
Knowledge: Having knowledge is important to get and maintain which means we must be able to learn about what we want to achieve. No one knows anything which is why we must seek knowledge, research materials that can further educate us, surround ourselves with those with whom we can learn from, those who are on their way to and those who already have achieved success
By no means are these the only keys however they are a start so on your quest to achieve success, ponder on these things