
What would your response be if you heard rumbling in the sky like never before as darkness seemed to envelope the land? Would you stand still with phones out waiting to record and post what happens next or get to knee city and pray? Really, what would you do?

Today i pose that question to all of you because times are changing, there is a shift in the atmosphere and if you’re not in that space of paying close attention you will miss what is being said and what is taking place in the realm of the spirit.

I know you have heard this all before too many times to count that God is coming back soon, you have heard it so much that it no longer has a great impact on you like before. Here’s the thing though there is no time like now to get back to that place and in that space of seeking God so He can tell you Himself what is taking place.

The closer you get to Him the more He will reveal to you and as He does you must then ask what He needs you to do in order to ensure that you do not miss the mark. The instructions may not always seem clear but when you ask for discernment what He then does is make a way for you to truly understand.

We are now in the digging deeper season where we must get past ourselves, our own fleshy desires and connect with our spirit side as this is the only way we will be able to do that which our Father requires of us.

There will be times when you may feel as if you just don’t want to go anymore, dig anymore but you must because it is in the digging that you will be able to get the answers you seek that are geared towards helping you to rise higher and be more ready for His return.

Focus Scriptures:
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Luke 21:25-27
James 1:12
Luke 21:28


March 13, 2019 at 5:07 am

In Genesis after God had finished creation He rested indicating another season was about to begin, and it is in this action that I see this line clearly “WE MUST GET PAST OURSELVES”

Thanks for your insight and encouragement Sis. Sometimes our diggers our way of thinking is broken and familiar and won’t get the job done. It is then we should realize we need the digger the thinking of another to get it done.

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It Does

March 10, 2019


March 12, 2019