
Guest Writer: Diana Sharpe “But God, you just don’t understand. You don’t understand how they have hurt me!” This is how I sometimes cry out to God in my weak humanity. In those moments when I feel like someone has offended or […]

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Have you ever had a meeting or appointment  scheduled and for whatever reason the times gets pushed back to later? I’m sure we all have had that type of experience at some point in our lives. Some people get annoyed, angry and […]

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God’s Love

By: Shamelia Simpson-McKenzie It felt as if the wide jaws of my soul opened up and devoured the words I heard: The Search for Significance.  These were the words emanating from the microphone as the notices for the week were being announced […]

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Surround Yourself

Have you ever had one of those heart wrenching, mind shifting, and reality checking kind of conversations that forces you to stop in your tracks and pay attention? A conversation where you know everything being said to you is truth but somehow […]

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Good Tidings

Come let us enter His gates with Thanksgiving and His courts with praise for no other reason than the fact that He our Heavenly Father deserves it  So often when we are soiled we feel we are not worthy enough to even […]

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As 2020 moves to a close, many may say it has been a terrible year! A year of death, devastation, upheavals and uncertainties. A year when it appeared as if the environment was fighting back and, when, if anything could go wrong, […]

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These Times

Here’s the thing, the days of playing around are long gone, This time calls for us to be fearless and faithful It calls for us to step out from the shadows, it calls for us to understand our role so that we […]

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When I sit back and think about 2020, boy it has certainly been a ride, a rather interesting one too where, if one was not mentally strong you would probably have fallen apart. A test of strength, faith, resilience and commitment has […]

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Be Filled

Today’s Guest Writer has dug deep and decided to share with us what it means to be filled by Spiritually The words within made me stop and think because there are so many things we take for granted when it comes to […]

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