What Drives Him

In today’s feature piece allow me to introduce you to my very good friend of over 20 years Robert Ferguson.

Robert is an Author, Entrepreneur, Husband, father and also a “Fighter”. I call him a Fighter because he has been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for a several years; no matter what the journey has brought him, Robert still presses on every day, and has an encouraging word for anyone who needs it.

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating disease that affects muscles and brain function of the person diagnosed. For anyone facing this reality, that must be scary, but not for Robert!   It has given him a new outlook on life and instead of looking at his limitations with self-pity and regret, he embraces life with both hands and grasps every opportunity to do what he is able to do every single day. 

Because of his tenacity, drive and passion I decided to have a conversation with Robert about what truly drives him and am sharing the questions and answers with you, my Readers, with the hope that his story will motivate you to understand that regardless of how many curve balls life throws at us, we do not have to succumb to them.  There is still life beyond the darkness and sunshine after every storm.

Happy Reading!

  1. Robert, where do you find the strength to go through this journey daily?

Robert: My strength comes from God, my positive mindset and laughter which I believe is one of the best medicines.

  • Have you ever felt like giving up?

Robert: I don’t recall a time since my diagnosis in August 2014 when I ever thought about giving up and I give thanks to God and my parents for such a positive outlook on life.

  • Do you believe that your situation caused you to draw closer to God?

Robert: Absolutely!  Sometimes God has to put us in situations to slow us down and give us time to reflect on what really matters most.

  • What are three things that you have learned about yourself while on your journey?

Robert:   I have learnt that:

   A – I have the will to endure;

                   B – I have the ability to see life from different perspectives; and

                   C – I have the ability to motivate myself

  • What are some things you believe about God that you had perhaps taken for granted before?

 Robert: I’m not sure “taken for granted” would be the right phrase but I definitely got confirmation of how much of an on time God He is!

  • What has your illness meant to you?

Robert: I believe this has been a test which somehow when I pass will be essential towards the next chapter of my life.

  • What advice would you give to someone who is going through a chronic illness?

Robert: My advice is to keep your faith and love for God at the forefront; be grateful and thankful for all the blessings no matter how big or small;  always keep going even when you don’t feel like it and always remember that there’s someone who needs you to even if you don’t see or know it.  And finally, sometimes your purpose or ministry is not readily realized.

  • Do you have a favorite quote that keeps you going?

Robert: Not really, but I always remember my mom saying “as the world turns”, “one day at a time” and I like for myself “it is what it is”🙂

  • What is your biggest motivation?

Robert: Definitely my family!

Is there anything else that you would like to add?

Robert: Just that regardless of what we are going through, whether it be health, financial or relationship issues, it is important that we don’t force anything.  Instead, we should take a step back and really assess to see what the lesson in the situation is and how we should move forward.  We should also try to remember that success in anything usually comes from many failures; however, it’s always about the lessons and our willingness to take heed from them that we’ll be able to overcome.


Favor Living

May 25, 2020


November 16, 2020