
The word in the image above is etched on masks that  I wear constantly, so much so that one can  clearly see the wear and tear on them. I wear these masks as much as I do because of the words that’s written on […]

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Being Selfless

Today I am sharing a piece with you on being selfless written by my very good friend Sheryl Douglas. She is truly an awesome soul who shines her light everywhere she goes. Sheryl has never been afraid to be herself in a […]

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Road To Success

The process it takes to get to that success level is not an easy one. Allow me to explain. Have you ever paid attention when construction is taking place in an area especially on the roadway? It slows traffic down gravely, people […]

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Take Care

Where is your head space today? Are you feeling overwhelmed, drained, tired, fed up or simply exhausted? Well my dear we have all been there and felt some of those very emotions but after feeling some of those same emotions I discovered rather […]

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Restore You

Where is your head space today? Are you feeling overwhelmed, drained, tired, fed up or simply exhausted? Well my dear we have all been there and felt some of those very emotions ; after coming to terms with my feelings I soon […]

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What do we say, what do we do when it seems like there is so much still left to do and not enough time? Do we stand back and allow life to just pass us by or do we become active participants? […]

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What Drives Him

In today’s feature piece allow me to introduce you to my very good friend of over 20 years – Robert Ferguson. Robert is an Author, Entrepreneur, Husband, father and also a “Fighter”. I call him a Fighter because he has been living […]

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