Favor Living

When I listen to the song grace and mercy by Marvin Sapp I must say that I absolutely agree with him in every way because truly  there are moments in time when going through valley experiences that i pause in the midst of pressing  and simply smile because suddenly I feel the pressure lifted and the load not as heavy and it is then that I know it could be no One else But God.

You know that feeling right? I know you too have experienced it, that wait, hold on a minute, what was that kind of feeling, Yes in that moment it’s God reassuring you that you are not alone as even in the muck He is right there with you and what He won’t do is leave you to press alone.

You see what happens is that when the situation first hits we are so caught up in what’s taking place that our minds go in overdrive leaving us to think a myriad of thoughts that we can’t hear Him speaking to us.

It’s usually not until we decide to look up and begin to focus on Him that we then feel the pressure lifted and a sense of calm seep in that we realize that He was there all along and boy can I tell you just how much of a relief it presents as now we dont have to carry the Lord by ourselves and then for the first time in going through we can exhale and simply rest in Him and that is where He needs us all to be.

That point where trusting Him and believing Him takes presidence over all else and what a relief that presents, don’t you think.

I am Peace Reigns

Endless Love

May 25, 2020

What Drives Him

November 10, 2020