Endless Love

There is a song that Israel Haughton sings that says ” Before I spoke a word You  were singing over me, You have been so so good to me, before I took a breath You breathed Your life in me,oh the overwhelming,  never ending, reckless love of God chases me down until I’m found, it leaves the 99″

As I listened to the words it reminded me of Just how unconditional God’s love is and it never ceases even when we are not deserving of it. This is the kind of love that covers us and keeps us comforted at all times and through all seasons

Armed with this fact we should be able to live life in such a way where we understand fully what His love means and how we should act daily as we exercise gratitude towards Him

So yes God’s love is never ending so too should yours be towards Him

Happy Monday

Incite Positivity

May 5, 2020

Favor Living

May 25, 2020