Right Side Up

Today we awoke to literally a new world and as we all try to wrap our heads around what is taking place a few things have become clear:

  1. Things that we often say we need, we truly don’t
  2. Some people will freeze in fear not certain what to do, where to turn or who to run to
  3. This present situation will either break or strengthen us, we have to choose
  4. Some people will band together while others will become selfish as they try to hold on to what they have
  5. Christians will discover how strong or weak their faith is without their Pastors guiding them
  6. Parents will become creative as they learn new ways to make things work within their households
  7. We will discover that fast food really isn’t all that essential and having a home cooked meal goes a longer way
  8. Last and certainly not least through all the mayhem and uncertainty many more will look to God to see them through

In this season of stretching, growth and faith building remember friends to hold on, stand firm, trust God and replace your sense of worry with hope



Sophia Johnson McKoy
March 30, 2020 at 5:42 pm


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Faith Over Fear

March 15, 2020

Permission Granted

March 31, 2020