Faith Over Fear

We have been blessed and gifted again with the momentous miracle of being a part of yet another powerful and empowering new week were opportunities abound to be God’s “why.” Today as we embrace and reflect on recent worldwide events we are aware of the trauma the pandemic COVID-19 has caused that has many being fearful and rightly so but living with fear is not living
While I understand the “why” allow me to help you evict and eradicate fear and all it’s associates by reminding you all that fear helps no one instead all it does is it paralyzes and causes you to get to a place within yourself where you surrender to it’s rebuke of living your God ordained “why” and commands you to quit, to give up, and to stop being God’s “why”
My advice therefore would be for you to *educate yourself* about the *what* needs to be done, in instances wherever possible practice *social distancing*, keep safe and *make wise decisions* regarding your own safety and well being
Walking around in fear surrenders one’s right to live their “why” it does not help but by being informed moment by moment of the “what” is the surest way to empower oneself to be their God ordained “why” without the occupation of the intrusion of fear
Let us embrace and be grateful this Blessed week!
I am Peace Reigns

The Unlearning

March 9, 2020

Right Side Up

March 23, 2020