The Unlearning

Today as we go through communing with God let us not forget who we are and Who God is because He walks with us and talks with us. We won’t hear Him if we are busy being caught up in the affairs of the world. You see once we say we are His and we decide to follow Him we must then also be ready to reset and refocus so that He can help with all that comes our way.

The aim today: unlearn and learn again your design; let go and truly let the LORD because when we try to control everything life becomes something else and we become something else that doesn’t line up with God’s best for us
You see as a Christian the desire to please God and also live in shades of gray will always bring conflicts and cause turmoils, why? We were made to do one thing and that is to live the God kind of life
We have however out of disobedience chosen other routes and herein now lies the problem and here we’re left with trying to stay afloat while drowning. What God wants for us is to be our best and live our best life but that can only be achieved when we decide to unlearn so that we can learn the true principles of commitment, service and obedience

I am Peace Reigns


March 1, 2020

Faith Over Fear

March 15, 2020