
Can we talk about energy for a minute and how it can be transferred from one being to another and in that same breath let’s discuss love and how it’s not about a feeling but a spiritual movement that is shared between […]

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There are people who live their entire lives never truly living up to their fullest potential; people who  always play it safe by staying in the boat. The question is, how far did that boat take them and did they enjoy the […]

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Daddy Issues

Ok I must wholeheartedly admit that I am one of those girls who has Daddy Issues There I said it, now let me explain, my issues did not come from me not having a dad in my life in fact he was […]

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Have you been feeling like your life is being transitioned from one state to another? Well if you are like me then you would be feeling a nudging in your spirit that says movement is necessary for this next phase of your […]

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The Journey Continues

So I took a hiatus from writing mainly because I was being pulled in so many directions and one focus led to another and another which eventually left me spiralling as I juggled being a mom, Teacher, Student and all the in […]

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