Permission Granted

Word of encouragement to help get you through today:
If you focus too much on the news it can drive you absolutely insane causing worry panic and anxiety to set in. This is why during this season of shut in we should use this opportunity also to truly go within ourselves and reconcile with your Maker your Creator. 
You see truth be told nothing can touch us without permission from God the Father and if God allows something it’s so we can learn some very important and serious lessons
Many people will miss it though because they are so distracted by what’s being done and said in the media  but the children of God who really yearn to be close to Him will use this time to study His word, seek Him on deeper levels and become refueled reignited
Before the deathly situation we created excuses and reasons we could not but these days we have nothing but time and availability. In a world where it seems as if there is nothing but confusion all around how about we intentionally lean in and approach the throne for guidance and deeply profound conversation
God is available when you are 
I am Peace Reigns

Right Side Up

March 23, 2020

Fervent Prayer

April 7, 2020